GDOP Day 9: Overcome

"But deliver us from evil"

"Expelling demons was as normal a part of Jesus' ministry as preaching. Delivering people from demons was both the confirmation and the practical application of the message He was preaching, which was: 'The kingdom of God is at hand' (Mark 1:15)" (Derek Prince).

There's a divine clash. The kingdom of God is warring with the kingdom of the enemy. Demonic activity rages as the days grow nearer to Christ's return. How do we respond? We must pray as Jesus taught his disciples, "deliver us from evil." God has the power to break through any evil that may have a hold on us. He has the power to set us free.

We want to be free. God, we ask that you would come to our rescue.

"All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen"
(Revelation 1:6).

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