GDOP Day 2: Reveal

Day 2: Reveal

"And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself." John12:32 (ESV)

"Christ, reconciling the world to God by the merit of his death, broke the power of death, and cast out Satan as a destroyer. Christ, bringing the world to God by the doctrine of his cross, broke the power of sin, and cast out Satan as a deceiver. The soul that was at a distance from Christ, is brought to love him and trust him." - Matthew Henry

Through Jesus, the way has been made for people from every tongue, tribe, nation and language to be reconciled to their Creator in love. Through His life, death and resurrection, Jesus has been revealed as true God and true man, Savior, Messiah, and true King.

And so we ask that in all nations, and in our own communities, Jesus would be lifted high. We pray that men, women and children would be drawn to the one who made them and who loves them. We ask that Jesus would be revealed all across the globe as the one true God and that people everywhere would fall at His feet in worship.

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