3CF Flight School VBS

3CF Flight School VBS was a great time this past week for all the children involved! Thanks to all the volunteers who made it possible and shared the love of Christ with the kids. Thanks to Stacy for a great job of putting it all together and to Jodi for the pictures!

- Each team hunted for cards that contained words from the bible verse.

- Playing pass the box to music.

- Water baloon toss!

- Praise and worship with flags

- The children were painting their treasure box that contains the bible verse Psalm 139:14

- Stacy using a drill to show the children that it is the wrong tool for cutting a tomato and she used a knife to show the children the correct tool that it had a purpose just like we have a purpose and we should use our gifts given by God for his purpose otherwise our life can be a mess like what the drill did to the tomato

- Each team hunted for cards that contained words from the bible verse.

- Stacy pouring the blood of Jesus into the bowl of sin to show the children how his blood was shed to wash us of our sin, this was pasrt of a hunt with clues around the base.

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