
When the Hebrew slaves were gathered at Mount Sinai, one of the covenant ordinances they agreed to was to celebrate three annual feasts: "Three times you shall keep a feast to Me in the year" (Exodus 23:14). The three feasts were the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Harvest, and the Feast of Ingathering (Exodus 24:14-17). For four decades while the Hebrews were in the wilderness, the feasts were logistically "easy" since the Tabernacle was always with them.


When the nation moved into the Promised Land, keeping the feasts became more complicated since the nation was spread out geographically—the movable Tabernacle was replaced by the permanent Temple in Jerusalem. Therefore, three times each year the Jews had to journey to Jerusalem to "keep the feasts." Because Jerusalem was located on a mountain, the phrase "up to Jerusalem" became common (it occurs 28 times in Scripture). Therefore, "ascending to Jerusalem" was part of the life of every Jew.


As Jews journeyed to Jerusalem, they would sing psalms (songs) to celebrate their faith and prepare them for the joyous experiences of the festivals. It was a time filled with excitement and anticipation.

READ: Psalm 24 – Read it slowly; ponder on the key words. Re-read verses 3-5.

This psalm asks, “Who may ascend the hill of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place?”

In my understanding, the psalmist is asking, “Who will decide to seek God? Who wants to abide in his presence?”

In verse 4 the psalmist answers that question by implying what is necessary to make this decision and experience what is desired. 

In verse 5 the psalmist tells us about those who have made the decision to seek God and who have prepared themselves in this way – They will receive blessings from the LORD.


Tell the LORD that you love him and you desire to experience his presence in powerful ways this year.

Ask the LORD to impress upon you anything you need to do to prepare for these experiences.

Ask the LORD to show you his favor as you seek him.

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