This Sunday - Rich Stevenson

This Sunday, 11/10, Rich Stevenson will be with us to proclaim God's Word.Rich is the director of the Malachi Network.
About the Malachi Network:
Mobilizing Young Leaders In Mission And Prayer
Mobilization:To be released so a substance can be used by the body.
We will build relationships with church planters and missionaries and then work to release them to the larger Body of Christ world-wide.
We are looking for humble leaders who will minister with a spirit of interdependence. Leaders who pray first and pray hard. Young men and women who know God’s Word: both the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Son.

Covering Leaders And Their Families Both Practically And Spiritually

We will care for families through prayer, prophetic encouragement and administrative support. We will take seriously the call to cover young leaders and their families with love, integrity and spiritual authority. We will stay connected through both technology and face to face meetings.

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